HRus is the leading Human Resource website and news-letter in Israel and the whole Middle East region

We are here to serve the HR community offering comprehensive professional programs such as: exhibitions, seminars and additional social events
Our website was established to meet the needs of HR leaders as well as new professionals while entering the exiting world of HR which is constantly changing. We offer them the latest news, in-side stories and exclusive interviews with the HR Directors, consultants, CEOs, advocates and politicians that shape, inspire and drive the labor sector and the Human Resource field here in Israel
We offer new articles on daily basis covering diverse topics such as:
Human Resource Strategy
Human Resource Software
HR new publications
HR Latest news on promotions and new operators within the HR field of expertise
News from the HR academic departments
Full coverage of HR events and activities such as awards, conferences etc
Labor law – new rules and regulations
Our website and news-letter are both free of charge, compliments of HRus's CEO Yoram Shooltheis who envisioned a platform that will provide the HR community with the information and set of tools they need in order to succeed while creating a united professional team that is ready, willing and able to stand up to the new challenges that lay ahead of us