סיוע כספי לעולים חיילי מילואים
Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman instructed to increase the remuneration of independent reserve servants and give them an extra 25% of their income over the average for each day that served in reserves.
Additional compensation will be given as a factor of the financial losses that may be incurred during the independent business owners to reserve duty, following private bill submitted by MK Ofer Shelah.
The result of the joint staff work of the Budget Department at the Defense Ministry, the IDF, the Ministry of Finance and National Insurance Institute, was achieved with the approval of the defense minister, Avigdor Lieberman, the Compensation Plan Reserve servants. The Minister instructed to allocate 30 million ₪ defense budget to realize the plan. Work joins proposal private law submitted regarding MK Ofer Shelah.
According to the decision of the Minister of Defense, independent reserve servants who are not employees, will receive an extra 25% of their income to the average, the addition is intended to weigh the losses that may be caused reservists independents, such as fixed expenses and loss of future income of Independent Business, which are not rewarded today by the law. Plug automatically be given any independent reserve position, and only serves the reserve does not cross the limit of payment set by law. retainers low income are independent reserve minimum remuneration specified by law (₪ 196 per day), will receive additional remuneration above the minimum rather than by the actual income weighting.
According to the defense minister, Avigdor Lieberman, "the Defense Ministry and the IDF aware that reservists are key and vital layer in the ability of the IDF to defend Israel. So we are working in a variety of channels for the benefit of the reserve system in general and reservists own in particular. Therefore, when the bill of MK Ofer Shelah laid before, I set to work immediately to supplement the compensation reservists independent and allocate the necessary budget for it. "